Students, Staff and Faculty in Crisis

Student Faculty and Staff
Medical Emergency

(e.g. heart attack, severe bleeding, life threatening injury in a lab)

Ambulance: 911 Ambulance: 911
Emergency First Aid, Campus Security 250.807.8111 (24 hrs)
Death Police: 911 Campus Security: 250.807.8111

Student Services: 250.807.9100

Police: 911

Campus Security: 250.807.8111

Suicide Emergency Services: 911

Campus Security: 250.807.8111

Imminent threat/attempt Crisis Counselling and Suicide Prevention (24-hr crisis lines):

BC Wide: 1 800 SUICIDE (1.800.784.2433)

Kelowna General Hospital, Emergency Department (2268 Pandosy Street)

250.862.4000 (24hrs)

Suicidal Thoughts


Health and Wellness: 250.807.9270 Employee & Family Assistance Program (Shepell): 1.800.387.4765
Emotional Distress
Non Crisis Health and Wellness: 250.807.9270 Employee & Family Assistance Program (Shepell): 1.800.387.4765
Crisis Crisis Counseling and Suicide Prevention (24hr crisis lines): BC Wide: 1.800.SUICIDE (1.800.784.2433)

Police: 911

Campus Security: 250.807.8111

Illness, Injury (non-emergency) Health and Wellness: 250.807.9270 Emergency First Aid: 250.807.8111
Sexual assault All sexual assaults should be reported to the police as soon as possible. Emergency Services: 911 Campus Security: 250.807.8111
Other services available to victims of sexual assault are: Health and Wellness: 250.807.9270 Employee & Family Assistance Program (Shepell): 1.800.387.4765
Sexual Assault Service at KGH

Is sexual assault has occured within the past 7 days, sexual assault services can be requested at Kelowna General Hospital Emergency Department (2268 Pandosy Street)


Female patients can arrange for support at the Kelowna Women’s Shelter 250.763.1040 (24hrs)

Male patients can arrange for support through the BC Society For Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse:


Students in need of emergency funding Student Financial Assistance & Awards:  250.807.9100
Missing person Police: 911

Campus Security: 250.807.8111